Age of Champions Wiki

This elemental
Despises all silverware
always sticks to tongue


Life 150000
Power 300
Damage 50
Protection 100

Amount Tier Chance Name Type Alchemy-able Damage Protection Bonus
1Hollowsword Legendary 1%

Hollow Sword

Equipment (Weapon) yes 20 5 +20 Power
1Icelementasoul Legendary 1% Ice Elemental Soul Equipment (Rune) Upgradable (x50 Ebony raid badges) 17 0 +7 Power
1Icelementalheart Epic 5% Ice Elemental Heart Equipment (Talisman) Upgradable (x50 Ebony raid badges) 0 17 +8 Life
Epic 5% Greater Ice Essence Ingredient yes none none none
3Energypotion Rare 20% Energy Potion Consumable no none none none
Rare 20% Lesser Ice Essence Ingredient yes none none none
3Staminapotion Rare 20% Stamina Potion Consumable no none none none
1040fortunetrinket Uncommon 74% Trinket of Good Fortune Equipment (Talisman) no 0 8 none
1040ebonywarhammer Uncommon 74% Ebony Warhammer Equipment (Weapon) no 18 0 none
1041commonice Uncommon 74% Common Ice Equipment (Rune) no 11 0 none